1·Cisco killed off its Flip video camcorder business that month, and reorganised its management structure a month later.
2·Or maybe you're having a special birthday party and you want to record it, but can't afford to buy a new digital video camcorder?
3·The wave of UFO activity continued in the skies over Mexico and, due to the video camcorder, became the most documented mass sighting ever.
4·I used a consumer-grade camcorder that sent its output to the video capture card using a composite (standard) video cable.
5·Make a video: Take out your camcorder and make a video. Share it with your friends.
6·Using a camcorder, shoot an original video of you apologizing.
7·You can buy a camcorder that is almost as good as a professional video recorder.
8·Rational Performance Tester works in a way similar to recording a video clip using a camcorder.
Rational Performance Tester同使用一个可携式摄像机录制录制一段视频剪辑拥有相似的工作方式。
9·Upload video that you shoot with your digital camera, mobile phone, or camcorder. Share video by linking to Vimeo.
10·One day soon, there may well be a single uber-device that will be your phone, music and video player, PDA, camera, camcorder, electronic book and anything else you can think of.